• The participants of the 21-22 CoSN Early Career K-12 Academy have submitted their 5 minute presentations on an area of focus.  Check back regularly as new videos will be posted as they are received.  Click on the presenter's name to see a brief video.

    Justin Lascsak, Mineral Wells ISD, Mineral Wells, TX--As a K-12 CTO we are all challenged with trying to increase engagement with instructional technology tools.  Justin and his instructional technology coach have taken a close look at what they are currently doing and how they will proceed in the future.

    Mark Parsons, Inter-Lakes School District,  Meridith, NH--The management of applications for any CTO can be a nightmare.  Mark has investigated multiple solutions to conquer this daughting task.  Take a look at his process.  

    Lakisha Brinson, Nashville Public Schools-- Everyone is concerned about Equity, but what are we doing to ensure that we eliminate the inequities as it pertains to Instructional Technology?  Lakisha and her district have developed a plan to eliminate the inequities.  Take a look at the plan!

    Dustin Shadbolt, Rossville Consolidated School District--Cybersecurity is at the forefront of every CTO's mind.  Dustin developed a 3-prong approach to take Rossville Consolidated from highly vulnerable to being prepared for the inevitable cyber attack we all fear.

    Dannielle Lord, Moorseville Graded School District-- How many times have you waited for days to have a vendor sign a Privacy Agreement with your district?  Dannielle is undertaking the creation of a state wide process for North Carolina where one agreement will apply to all districts.  Check out the process underway in North Carolina!

    Teri Nash, Homewood City Schools-- Modifying the role of technology coaches in your district can be difficult for both existing coaches and long time teachers.  It can really feel like you are moving their cheese.  Terri has researched the past role and revamped that role to meet the needs of all staff and Move the Ball Forward!!!!

    Whitney Babatunde, Mountain Brook Schools-- Many districts are finding that a mind shift is necessary for Cybersecurity training to be effective for ALL employees.  The focus of Whitney's capstone is the process for working toward a culture of caring about security.  

    Gene Gilmore, Auburn City Schools-- COVID 19 and the pandemic changed education forever.  The federal government released an abundance of money that allowed school systems to purchase equipment that they had only dreamed of till that point.  What happens ...the money stops coming and  the equipment that was purchased begins to fail.  We must have those conversations now and plan for the digital cliff.  Take a quick look at how Gene Gilmore is approaching this issue in  Aburn City Schools.

    Tiffany Norton, Dessert Sands Unified School District -- Building a collaborative team is one of the most important responsibilities of a successful CTO.  Tiffany Norton shares her plan for creating an inclusive and collaborative team.  Take a look!

    Angie Gaylord, Dallas ISD -- What does an innovative school district look like?  Angie Gaylord is the Deputy Chief of the Office of Innovation and Transformation for Dallas ISD.  She has outlined how the second largest school district in Texas is equitably meeting the needs of ALL students in their district.  If you are interested in innovation, this is worth a watch!!!!